The Department of Commerce with Computer Applications was established in the year 2012 under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to meet the challenges in the 21st century and optimally utilize the new opportunities in the field of Commerce and Computer Applications. It was initially started with 70 students and 1 commerce teacher. Now it has around 200 students and 3 Commerce and 1 Computer Science staff.
The exceptionally skilled and proficient expertise faculty members, persuade the students through their teaching & learning process. Faculty members motivate and mould students, in acquiring their knowledge and skill. The department organises seminars, lectures, and workshops on diverse topics to help the students in updating their knowledge. The department strives for providing quality education with high standards to provide academic excellence. It excels in transforming graduates into industry-ready products with strong analytical and technical skills. The faculty members help the students to have techno-commercial exposure and help them to become more versatile professionals and guide them in their projects.
To enhance the knowledge of students the department organizes guest lectures, industrial visits and also conducts various intra-departmental competitions. Industrialists and academicians are invited to share their experiences with the students. The department has proved its excellence with a committed staff and enthusiastic students with consistency bring glory to the department in the field of academic and extracurricular activities.
The staff of the department is also encouraged to attend Conferences, Seminars, FDPs, etc., to enhance their knowledge. They actively participate in all students’ related activities and encourage them in all their activities. Our department periodically conducts interactive and innovative learning activities inside the classroom like quizzes, games, etc.