The Department of Tamil commenced in the year 2005 with strength of 100 students. The Department offers Tamil as Part I subject for the streams such as Commerce, Basic Sciences, and Management. The current strength of Part I Tamil students is 1413. The Department is committed to the growth of the students into holistic individuals. Through this course, one can learn about Tamil Literature, its history, and other aspects. Also, a teacher of a Tamil language is responsible for educating the students and giving them a proper knowledge of Tamil literature. Nowadays, the opportunities in Tamil are increasing at a rapid rate in various sectors. Especially, the study of Tamil prepares students to understand in a creative manner. Also, the scope of learning Tamil Literature is quite good, where one can earn respect & money both under this professional career.
The Department of Tamil has produced exemplary results and so far the pass percentage has always been 95% and above. The faculty members are involved in triggering passion towards literary creativity among the students. The Department stands unique in having conducted PPT competition in Tamil. 18 E-magazine issues have been released from the Academic year 2015 to the Academic year 2021-2022. Currently the Department has released the Newsletter instead of E -magazine in the Academic Year 2022 – 2023. The Department provides ample opportunities for students to know the value of Life.