Admissions open for the academic year 2024 -25       -        Students who have availed scholarship during 2023-24 should apply for renewal of scholarship on or before 10.4.2024. No extension of time will be given.

Swachhta Action Plan (SAP)

Swachhta Action Plan (SAP)

Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) Committee is set up in the campus, where Environment Club, Rotaract Club, Advertisement Club, Leo Club and Red Ribbon Club focus on each aspect of SAP – Greenery, Water Management, Energy Management, Waste Management and Sanitation and Hygiene.

SAP enables periodical re-visiting and auditing under the above mentioned areas in campus and community engagement. Green, Energy and Environmental Audit has been successfully completed and scope for improvement has been identified.

Certificates & Accolades

Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women was awarded the Best Swachh College in Chennai City by Greatest Chennai Corporation (GCC) for the swachh practices and initiatives undertaken by the institution.


Focus is on setting up a nursery, compost pit, green landscaping in the campus, new buildings on the campus will follow green building norms, and use of organic manure for the plants.

Water Management

Audits water sources in the campus, monthly water use in the campus, drinking water on campus, rainwater harvesting pits in the campus, and fixing leaky taps.

Waste Management

Focuses on campus/department wise waste audit, waste segregation, reduction in waste, month-on-month, recycling waste, ensure zero littering, ban plastic use in the campus, ban flexi banners (only cloth banners to be used), paperless work – use of email, WhatsApp for communication.

Energy Management

Audits energy efficient heating, cooling, lighting and water systems in the campus, wise monthly use of electricity, incentivize reduced electricity usage by depts/buildings, create short-term and long-term plan for the use of solar energy on the campus, cycles on the campus to reduce carbon footprints, and reducing carbon footprints via intelligent purchase SoPs.

Sanitation and Hygiene

Focuses on post COVID19 sanitation measures and drill, clean and functional toilets, safe drinking water, clean surroundings, clean buildings/rooms, and planting local, resilient trees that ensure water table is not eroded.