
Dr. S. G. Packiavathy

Hearty congratulations to Dr.S.G.Packiavathy, Head, Department of Computer Application (Shift-I) who was conferred with doctoral degree on 30th August 20234

Kalaignar Memorial Centenary Celebrations Tamil Oratorical Competition  organized by DMK youth wing

Kalaignar Memorial Centenary Celebrations Tamil Oratorical Competition organized by DMK youth wing

Ms.MADHUMITHA S of I Bsc Psychology and Ms.SRI VANDANA S of I Bcom General B were selected for the 2nd round of Kalaignar Memorial Centenary Celebrations Tamil Oratorical Competition organized by DMK youth wing and won Rs.10,000/- cash award. The competition was held at Anbagam, Teynampet, Chennai on 17.08.2024.

Tamil Nadu State Sports Karate-Do Championship

TamilNadu State Sports Karate-Do Championship

This is to keep you informed that Ms.Sreelakkshmi V of III B.Com. CS (Shift I) has placed III in Individual Kumite in the TamilNadu State Sports Karate-Do Championship held on 21.07.2024. Requesting you share the same on our website under Students achievements.

Ms. I. Shruthilaya

Ms. I. Shruthilaya

Ms. I. Shruthilaya from I M.Sc CS created a Mental Health Web App for ShasunShukada Cell under the guidance of Dr. M. Anita Indu and Sukhada Cell Counsellors. This web app was launched on College Day on 23rd April 2024.



Ms.Angalaparameswari won third place in the "Logo Designing Competition" at the Club Launch event organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the PG Department of Computer Science on 18 July 2024.

Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

Bhargavi & Karishma of II B.Com (A&F) shift 2, 1st place in Treasure hunt in shreyas.

Club Annual Day

Club Annual Day

M.Gowri & UMA VASUDEVA RAO Won BEST Coordinator Of Environment club.
Poornima.B of II B.Com (A&F) shift 2 Won BEST Coordinator Of Consumer Club.